【EN】SIGMA Global Active Learning – Digital Transformation 2024

SIGMA (The Societal Impact & Global Management Alliance) is a global network of renowned universities in management and business fields, founded in 2016.  The alliance seeks to promote interdisciplinary and inter-university collaboration in research and education. In 2019, SIGMA Global Active Learning was launched as an online course joined by all of its member schools.

  • Copenhagen Business School (Denmark)
  • Esade Business School (Spain)
  • FGV/EBAPE (Brazil)
  • Hitotsubashi University (Japan)
  • Renmin University of China (China)
  • Singapore Management University (Singapore)
  • Université Paris Dauphine-PSL (France)
  • Universität St. Gallen (Switzerland)
  • WU Wien (Austria)


Digital Transformation examines from various (disciplinary) perspectives how processes of Digital Transformation can be implemented in a responsible way to address economic, societal, and environmental challenges. Students will be introduced to the topic of datafication and the ambivalence that arises at the intersection of information and human values. They will be familiarized with theories on empowering individuals and society through skilled use of digitized processes and concepts of service management and ethical business models in the digital economy.


Online Modules

Module 1 Digital Transformations: A Techno-Historical Perspective (HSG)
Module 2 Managing Information and Technology in Responsible Digital Transformation  (WU)
Module 3 Changing Lenses: Value Creation and Value Capture in the Post-digital Future (Hitotsubashi University)
Module 4 What do Information Technologies do to Organizations? (UPD)
Module 5 Ethical data-driven business models (ESADE)
Module 6 Living Digital Transformation (SMU)


  • Each module finishes with a summative assignment in form of a Multiple Choice quiz.
  • The quiz results are relevant for grading:
    • One attempt
    • The passing score is 60%
    • Each quiz counts individually
  • The quiz results are automatically generated from the platform



Case Cast

In this assignment, students work in cross-university teams to elaborate on a solution to a complex, real-world-oriented scenario. This challenging task requires students to discuss, evaluate and agree on an approach to a problem without a predefined solution. They need to select and apply appropriate concepts and methods from different disciplines and conduct targeted research to complement their argumentation. The group members need to organize their time by the others’ schedules and manage the steps of the project in a limited period.

The Case Cast is the final outcome of the group work. A short video pitch presented in a screencast PowerPoint presentation that explains the group’s proposal in a concise way.

  • The student project will be assessed by the group supervisor according to rubrics.
  • The rubrics provide information on what the supervisors expect to be done in the student project.
  • The task is assessed per group.


Reflection Paper

The reflection paper is elaborated in individual work. It is handed in and graded by the lecturer of the home university. For questions on the reflection paper, please refer to the lecturer of your home university.


Course grading

The SIGMA Global Virtual Course will be graded based on three elements: The online quizzes, the CaseCast and a reflection paper.

  • Online Quizzes (individual work):20 % (24 points, 6 modules, 4 points each)
  • Student project (group work):50 % (60 points)
  • Reflection paper (individual work):30 % (36 points)

*The CaseCast will be assessed by your group supervisor according to rubrics, which provide information on what your supervisors will expect you to do in your CaseCast.

*Since the participating institutions have different grading systems, you might also have additional tasks (e.g. homework essays,…). If this is the case, the lecturer(s) of your home university will let you know.


Application Form 

Please fill out this form and submit by 12 July 2024.


*Given the nature of inter-university group allocation, students are discouraged from dropping out once the course has commenced.  Mid-semester withdrawal will be treated as ‘Fail’.

Know More


・article in Japanese:「SDGsをテーマに、第3期を迎えるSIGMAオンライン講義」(2020/06/22)

・article in Japanese:「SDGsをテーマに、オンラインで世界の学生と交流できる『SIGMA』」(2020/09/30)

・article in Japanese:「SIGMA学長会議が本学で開催されました」(2023/05/17)




Professor & Faculty in Charge of External Affairs | Hitotsubashi ICS
Visiting Assoc. Professor | Yale School of Management (Spring ‘20, ’21, ’22, ‘23)
Visiting Professor | EHL – Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne‎ (May ’19, May ‘23)
Visiting Professor | Koc University Graduate School of Business (Jul ’20, Aug ‘21)
Adjunct Faculty | Seoul National University Business School (Apr-May ‘19)

Yoshi received his BA in Economics and MA in Commerce from Hitotsubashi University (Tokyo, Japan); MBA from Harvard Business School (Boston, MA, USA); and PhD in Marketing from Pennsylvania State University (University Park, PA, USA). He joined Hitotsubashi ICS in 2003. Prior to joining ICS, he was a Lecturer and Research Assistant at Pennsylvania State University. He also worked as Research Associate at the Mind of Market Laboratory and the Division of Research, both at Harvard Business School. His business experience includes marketing research and strategic consulting work with Olson Zaltman Associates, the inventor of the patented research method ZMET (Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique).

At Hitotsubashi, Yoshi led the school’s MBA Program as the faculty director for 15 years (2006-2020) and helped bring the program to the “#1 in Japan” rank (QS Global MBA Ranking 2019, 2022, 2023). He also served as Associate Vice President for International Affairs at Hitotsubashi University (2018-2020).

In addition to teaching in ICS’ MBA Program, Executive MBA Program, and Executive Education Programs, Yoshi has taught as Visiting Associate Professor at Yale School of Management (Global Virtual Teams and Service Management in MBA/EMBA Programs), as Visiting Professor at EHL – Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne (Service Culture Module in EHL-CEIBS Hospitality EMBA Program), as Visiting Professor at Koc University Graduate School of Business (Service Management in EMBA Program), and as Adjunct Faculty at Seoul National University Business School (Service Marketing, Global MBA and SNU MBA Programs). He has also designed and delivered numerous immersion programs attended by students from ICS’ global network of 50+ top business schools around the world.

Yoshi currently serves a number of government committees and professional institutions, including: Japan Service Awards (SPRING, Committee Member); Japan-US Educational Commission (Fulbright Japan, Committee Member); International House of Japan (Hassokai Committee, Committee Member); Treasure Data (Advisor); ClipLine (Advisor), The Delphi Network (Advisor); Zero to One (Advisor).

Email: yfujikawa@ics.hub.hit-u.ac.jp

