【JP/EN】Emergency Aid in the Digitalizing World(デジタル化する世界における緊急援助)
・場所:一橋大学千代田キャンパス1階 大講義室
飯村 学(国際協力機構 国際緊急援助隊事務局 事務局長)
中谷 純江(一橋大学グローバル・オンライン教育センター講師)
・モデレータ:秋山 信将(一橋大学法学研究科教授、グローバル・オンライン教育センター長)
・参加登録→ https://forms.gle/J8HgMobKBEa6D8WB6
— English as follows —
“Emergency Aid in the Digitalizing World – Conversation with UN, Donor, and Academic Leadership” 
There are now 305 million people in need of humanitarian assistance globally (Global Humanitarian Overview 2025). As the world suffers from a record number of armed conflicts and devastating consequences of the climate crisis, leaders of the UN, Official Development Assistance implementing agency and the academia will engage students in a conversation on the impact of technology on the delivery of life-saving aid.
・Date: 13:45-15:00 on Tuesday, 21 January 2025
・Location:Hitotsubashi University Chiyoda Campus, Large Lecture Hall
・Speakers:Joyce Msuya, Assistant Secretary-General, UN Office for the Coordiantion of Humanitarain Affairs (OCHA)
Tsutomu Iimura, Director General, Secretariat of Japan Disaster Relief Team, Japan International Cooperation Agency
Sumie Nakaya, Assistant Professor, Hitotsubashi University
・Moderator: Nobumasa Akiyama, Hitotsubashi University