Oppenheimer Project: Advancing the Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy to Promote Global Prosperity

GOE Center is pleased to co-host the following event with GGR. Anyone who pre-register is welcome to attend.



Charles Oppenheimer is the founder of Oppenheimer Project and Oppenheimer Energy Ventures, focuses on addressing existential risks, particularly in fission technology, concerning nuclear proliferation and climate change. He is a prominent speaker on science, diplomacy, nuclear non-proliferation, and nuclear energy, appearing in global events and media interviews. He has also appeared in recent documentaries on his grandfather, the late Dr J. Robert Oppenheimer, his legacy, nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear energy. Charles has contributed to journals like The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists and TIME, and has a background in Silicon Valley’s software industry, with investments in tech businesses and social enterprises in Sub-Saharan Africa. He holds a BA in International Relations from the University of Oregon.



Nobumasa Akiyama (Hitotsubashi University)


  • Title: Oppenheimer Project: Advancing the Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy to Promote Global Prosperity
  • Speaker: Charles Oppenheimer (Founder of Oppenheimer Project)
  • Date: June 3, 2024 (Monday)
  • Time: 10:30-12:00
  • Place: Chiyoda Campus, Hitotsubashi University (1st floor, Large Lecture Hall). National Center of Sciences, 2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
  • Language: English