



講師:中谷純江(森有礼高等教育国際流動化機構講師)。ニューヨーク市立大学にてPh.D. in Political Science(専門は国際関係論)を取得。米国国連協会プログラムディレクター、国連女性開発基金ガバナンスプログラム・スペシャリスト、米国社会問題評議会紛争予防平和フォーラムプログラムコーディネーター、国際連合 平和活動局 政務官などを経て、現職。




Internship (online/in-person) with international organizations

The GOE Center promotes internships at international organizations such as international NGOs, the United Nations, and foreign companies. Faculty members will support you through individual interviews and correspondence. We have experience in mediating online internship students for the United Nations. Please feel free to contact us.


Global Online Education Center

▼Recommended Video▼

【一橋×国際連合インターンシップ】国連開発計画と国連活動支援局を経験して – YouTube”


Inter-university/multi-year research project

We have tied up with several universities to implement the following actions.

  • Data collection and analysis
  • Comparative lessons learned from case studies
  • Public symposiums
  • Intensive training in open-source intelligence methodology

▼Privious Conference▼

平和・安全保障・開発分野におけるイノベーションとデジタルツール:実践と展望(フルバージョン) – YouTube


New Approaches to International Peace and Security

Class Overview

This course will introduce cutting-edge approaches to analyze and devise responses in relation to conflict and violence, with a particular focus on digital instruments. Students will learn emerging concepts and techniques in various fields, from peacemaking to peacekeeping, peacebuilding, disarmament, human rights, and disaster relief, and associated risks and benefits. The course includes active learning elements, whereby students will interact with guest lecturers from the UN, research institutes and aid groups, and practice some of the skills for open-source investigation.

Course Goals

The goal of this course is to enable students to think and act creatively in responding to issues of global scale and concern. By the end of the semester, students will be able to:

  • Appreciate evolving opportunities and challenges in collective efforts towards international peace and security
  • Gain insights into alternative concepts and techniques in the study of international relations
  • Improve critical thinking and research skills

Syllabus for the year 2023


SIGMA (inter-university online program) on SDGs

What is SIGMA

SIGMA (The Societal Impact & Global Management Alliance) is a global network of renowned universities in management and business fields, founded in 2016. The alliance seeks to promote interdisciplinary and inter-university collaboration in research and education. In 2019, SIGMA Global Active Learning was launched as an online course joined by all of its member schools. The course focuses on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and business.

  • Copenhagen Business School (Denmark)
  • Esade Business School (Spain)
  • FGV/EBAPE (Brazil)
  • Hitotsubashi University (Japan)
  • Renmin University of China (China)
  • Singapore Management University (Singapore)
  • Université Paris Dauphine-PSL (France)
  • Universität St. Gallen (Switzerland)
  • WU Wien (Austria)


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted at the UN Summit on Sustainable Development in 2015, consist of 17 goals that range from the end of poverty and hunger to climate action, clean energy, education and water, gender equality, among others, to be achieved by 2030. The SDGs, unlike the previous global agendas, involve all actors – national and local governments, civil society groups, and business actors – at every level of development, not limited to struggling economies. In this course, students will learn, and actively participate in discussions on, the role of market-led approaches to the SDGs.

Detail of SIGMA Global Active Learning – Managing the SDGs 2023


SIGMA (inter-university online program) on Digital Transformation

What is SIGMA

SIGMA (The Societal Impact & Global Management Alliance) is a global network of renowned universities in management and business fields, founded in 2016. The alliance seeks to promote interdisciplinary and inter-university collaboration in research and education. In 2019, SIGMA Global Active Learning was launched as an online course joined by all of its member schools.

  • Copenhagen Business School (Denmark)
  • Esade Business School (Spain)
  • FGV/EBAPE (Brazil)
  • Hitotsubashi University (Japan)
  • Renmin University of China (China)
  • Singapore Management University (Singapore)
  • Université Paris Dauphine-PSL (France)
  • Universität St. Gallen (Switzerland)
  • WU Wien (Austria)


Digital Transformation examines from various (disciplinary) perspectives how processes of Digital Transformation can be implemented in a responsible way to address economic, societal, and environmental challenges. Students will be introduced to the topic of datafication and the ambivalence that arises at the intersection of information and human values. They will be familiarized with theories on empowering individuals and society through skilled use of digitized processes and concepts of service management and ethical business models in the digital economy.

Detail of SIGMA Global Active Learning – Digital Transformation 2023