Developing COIL(Collaborative Online International Learning) Program

What is COIL
COIL aims to facilitate student-to-student exchanges between Hitotsubashi and abroad, applying online communication tools to earn new knowledge, awareness, and insights in internationalized curricula. COIL can be implemented in part or in its entirety in a classroom setting. During this process, faculty and staff will form participatory sessions as syllabi and teaching materials are developed collaboratively among universities.

In FY2023, we are incorporating the following two courses into the COIL project with Monash University in Australia and Northwestern University in the United States. The GOE Center is to share the experiences and lessons learnt from such collaborative initiatives.

Partner Universities Subject Period
Monash University International Seminar (Australia) Autumn
Northwestern University International Seminar (US) Winter

Measuring the effectiveness of the COIL program and its application to online educational design
COIL is expected to have a multifaceted impact on education and research in any field of study. Such impacts include the promotion of cross-cultural exchange and understanding, language skills, communication skills, project management skills, media literacy, and the development of new research collaborations. The GOE Center is to measure the educational and research effects of the COIL programs, and to apply the results to the future design of online education at Hitotsubashi.

COIL MODEL 1: Joint Project Development in the theme of “Liveability” Autumn 2023

COIL Interview Series(1): GLP International Seminar Australia, 2023



GLP (Global Leaders Program) Seminar at the Faculty of Law

The Faculty of Law at Hitotsubashi University launched the Global Leaders Program (GLP) in the Faculty of Law in the 2017 academic year with the aim of fostering human resources who will be active globally. The GLP in the Faculty of Law offers many specialized courses in law and international relations in English, as well as opportunities for learning through an effective combination of joint seminars with overseas universities and study abroad.

The GLP International Seminar collaborates with prominent overseas universities to study law and international relations through online education.

GLP (Global Leaders Program) at the Faculty of Law


SIGMA (inter-university online program) on SDGs

What is SIGMA

SIGMA (The Societal Impact & Global Management Alliance) is a global network of renowned universities in management and business fields, founded in 2016. The alliance seeks to promote interdisciplinary and inter-university collaboration in research and education. In 2019, SIGMA Global Active Learning was launched as an online course joined by all of its member schools. The course focuses on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and business.

  • Copenhagen Business School (Denmark)
  • Esade Business School (Spain)
  • FGV/EBAPE (Brazil)
  • Hitotsubashi University (Japan)
  • Renmin University of China (China)
  • Singapore Management University (Singapore)
  • Université Paris Dauphine-PSL (France)
  • Universität St. Gallen (Switzerland)
  • WU Wien (Austria)


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted at the UN Summit on Sustainable Development in 2015, consist of 17 goals that range from the end of poverty and hunger to climate action, clean energy, education and water, gender equality, among others, to be achieved by 2030. The SDGs, unlike the previous global agendas, involve all actors – national and local governments, civil society groups, and business actors – at every level of development, not limited to struggling economies. In this course, students will learn, and actively participate in discussions on, the role of market-led approaches to the SDGs.

Detail of SIGMA Global Active Learning – Managing the SDGs 2023


SIGMA (inter-university online program) on Digital Transformation

What is SIGMA

SIGMA (The Societal Impact & Global Management Alliance) is a global network of renowned universities in management and business fields, founded in 2016. The alliance seeks to promote interdisciplinary and inter-university collaboration in research and education. In 2019, SIGMA Global Active Learning was launched as an online course joined by all of its member schools.

  • Copenhagen Business School (Denmark)
  • Esade Business School (Spain)
  • FGV/EBAPE (Brazil)
  • Hitotsubashi University (Japan)
  • Renmin University of China (China)
  • Singapore Management University (Singapore)
  • Université Paris Dauphine-PSL (France)
  • Universität St. Gallen (Switzerland)
  • WU Wien (Austria)


Digital Transformation examines from various (disciplinary) perspectives how processes of Digital Transformation can be implemented in a responsible way to address economic, societal, and environmental challenges. Students will be introduced to the topic of datafication and the ambivalence that arises at the intersection of information and human values. They will be familiarized with theories on empowering individuals and society through skilled use of digitized processes and concepts of service management and ethical business models in the digital economy.

Detail of SIGMA Global Active Learning – Digital Transformation 2023