Others:“Tuning and Global Mobility: Globalization, Knowledge-based Economy and the Emerging Role of Higher education.”
Matsuzuka, Yukari. 2015.
Seminar for Higher Education Research, Fudan University, Shanghai, March 31st, 2015.
Papers:“Noteworthy ECCD Practice in Rural Disadvantaged Villages of Vietnam.”
Myagmar, Ariuntuya. 2014.
Asia-Pacific Regional Network for Early Childhood (ARNEC). Research Brief Series (2): 20-32.
Papers:“Use and Problems in the Language of Discipline-Based Qualifications Statements: Tuning and Its Analogues.”
Adelman, Clifford. 2014.
Tuning Journal for Higher Education 1(2): 335-367.
Report:Degree Qualification Profile.
Adelman, Cliff, Peter Ewell, Paul Gaston and Carol Geary Schneider. 2014.
Papers:“Competence, Technology, and Their Discontents.”
Adelman, Clifford. 2013.
Inside Higher Education.
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