Mar., 2017
On March 29th, lecture over China-EU Joint research project on Tuning was presented by the Chinese representative of the project.
Dec., 2016
Questionnaire Survey for the Study “Globally-required Abilities: Towards Achieving the University Education Required by Society” has started under Mori Arinori Center for Higher Education and Global Mobility.
Jun., 2016
Working Paper based on 2014 Competence survey report is available.
Mori Arinori Center for Higher Education and Global Mobility: Research Project -
Jun., 2016
Progress of Tuning Pilot Survey focusing on the results of history area was presented at Science Council of Japan on June 6th.
Jun., 2016
A summary of the 2014 Competence survey report is available.
Mori Arinori Center for Higher Education and Global Mobility: Research Project
Mar., 2016
Open seminar by Prof. Lu Baocun of Beijing Normal University was held on March 24th to present EU-China Tuning project and the result of competence survey in China.
Mar., 2016
2nd Workshop for the development of double degree programs was held with School of International and Public Policy.
Jan., 2016
Workshop for the development of double degree programs was held with School of International and Public Policy.
Jun., 2015
On Friday, 19 June, Research Institute for Higher Education (RIHE), Hiroshima University welcomed Prof. György Nováky (Mori Arinori Center for Higher Education and Global Mobility, Hitotsubashi University), for the “Seminar on quality assurance in Europe and Japan” as a guest speaker.
“Quality assurance and benchmarking in Europe and Japan: A shift to focus on teaching and learning” -
Jun., 2015
On June 12, Prof. György Nováky and Assistant Prof. Maki Kato (Mori Arinori Center) visited Niigata University for a seminar hosted by Vice-President Satoshi Kuwahara. On the seminar, which was attended by faculty and staff of Niigata university, prof. Nováky’s presentation “Tuning and the Internalization of Higher Education” was followed by a discussion on several issues such as internationalization, mobility and Tuning.
May., 2015
Prof. Matsuzuka gave a lecture about the overview of internationalization of university education. She then explained the development process, structure and expected outcomes of “Tuning” and its application and practical examples in Japan.
Date: May 28, 2015, Place: Hotel Metropolitan Morioka New Wing (Host: University of Iwate),
Title: “An internationally compatible curriculum —Tuning project—”
Mar., 2015
Prof. Matsuzuka gave a lecture on the theme of tuning and global mobility, and the new role for university education under the globalization of higher education and the development of a knowledge-based economy.
Date: March 30, 2015, Place: Fudan University, China, Title: “Tuning and Global Mobility:Globalization, Knowledge-based Economy, and the Emerging Role of Higher Education” -
Mar., 2015
Seminar“Modernizing degree programs in global context” was helt on March 19-20, 2015.
Mar., 2015
Prof. György Nováky made a presentation “Quality Assurance, Education and Tuning in an Internationalizing world of higher education” at Osaka University on March 6, 2015.

In order to ensure the academic significance of increasing opportunities for studying abroad and academic exchange, it is essential to create platforms that help to re-design internationally available study courses, transferable and compatible credit and degree systems. This process is available through Tuning.
In the Tuning, universities across institutional and national boundaries define outcomes and competences that students are expected to achieve when a degree has been earned. Applying them as reference points Tuning also asks universities to fine tune their human and material resources. Therefore, Tuning widens opportunities not only for current students who want to study abroad or at another university within a country. Besides, it increases a choice for those people who work but want to re-charge their general education and/or professional knowledge. Thus the result of Tuning is expected to be echoed in mobility motivation as well in stably expanded double and joint degrees.
Like the tuning of instruments before a performance, TUNING JAPAN is responsive network in promoting a high-quality student and academic mobility in the both social and natural science fields and internationally compatible degrees awarded. With the co-operation of Asian and the world’s leading partner universities, and through building of wider partnerships with globally expanding Tuning networks, TUNING JAPAN carries out research, implementation, and promotion of the Tuning process.