その他:Institutional Research in Japan in the Age of Global Student Mobility: A Transformation from IR, IIR and to IRIR
Matsuzuka, Yukari, 2020.
Panel Symposium at Institutional Research at the Age of Global Mobility: Cases of Japan, Ghana, China and USA.
Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) 2020 Annual Meeting. Teleconference hosted at Miami, March 15 to April 18, 2020.
Co-organized and presented by Yukari Matsuzuka.
その他:Education and Career Pathways of Asians Who Received Doctoral Degrees in U. S. and U.K.
Matsuzuka, Yukari, 2020.
SIG Highlighted Session: Mobility and Pathway of Asians Who Study in the U.S.: New Framework for Empirical Analyses Using Micro and Macro Data.
Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) 2020 Annual Meeting. Teleconference hosted at Miami, March 15 to April 18, 2020.
Peer-reviewed symposium and highlight session organized by Yukari Matsuzuka.
その他:Noncognitive Competencies for University Graduates: Euro-Japan Comparative Analysis
Matsuzuka, Yukari, 2019.
In Equity in Higher Education: Stories from China, Japan, Africa and U.S.A.
World Education Research Association (WERA) 2019 Focal Meeting: Tokyo, August 8th, 2019.
Peer-reviewed symposium co-organized by Yukari Matsuzuka.
その他:“Institutional Research in the Age of Global Student Mobility” Global Forum From IR to IIR, and to IRIR: Emerging Vision in the Age of Global Mobility
Matsuzuka, Yukari, 2019.
Hitotsubashi University: Tokyo, August 9th, 2019.
Working Paper:「オンライン授業での学習エンゲージメントに対するインタラクティブラーニングの効果」
Gherghel Claudia, 安田晶子, 北洋輔 (2022)
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